
Steven Yang

Programmer Designer 3D Artist

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Cutting Down on Projects

March 09, 2015

It’s already been three weeks since school started. It seems like the year just started and we’re almost at the middle of month 3! I’ve reached a point where I can see how I can fit my classes into my work-life. It means I need to cut down on some projects.

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I Forgot the Oatmeal

March 02, 2015

Ever since school started, my schedule has been hectic to say the least. The classes I’m taking are challenging, my responsibilities to my websites are still there and I still have these pet projects I want to keep working on. I don’t want to skimp out on any of those things, so I end up having to cut down on my leisure time. It’s amazing how much time I can reclaim just by cutting down on Reddit usage.

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Using Khan Academy

February 28, 2015

It’s the end of the second week of school for me. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I need to catch up a lot on Math. It’s been years since I’ve taken a formal math class. Even back then, I don’t think I did well with the subject. It was a combination of being lazy and not doing the homework and giving up too soon. Now in this new semester, I’m doing it again, except the right way this time.

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